Woo hoo!

Note to self: if you turn in your bar application on Monday, don’t wait until Saturday to post it on the blog. You’d think that would be a pretty big accomplishment at the moment, wouldn’t you? (Especially since I missed the deadline for the February exam, so at least I won’t have to feel foolish for that particular mistake this time around…)

It probably wouldn’t have taken more than an hour or two to jot down that I filled in the updated form that I didn’t learn about until three days before the deadline, I used a digital picture of myself from Brent’s wedding for the ID card, I put everything into a nice, big envelope and then dropped it all off at the Board of Law Examiners office in St. Paul. Woo hoo! Good stuff… Continue reading “Woo hoo!”

The finish line is in sight!

I’d like to apologize for the abruptness of the last eight entries—I meant to spread them out over the course of a week or so, but alas, all my good intentions went for naught. All the stuff with the WB occurred over the course of about three months, but got smooshed together so I could post it all within the last couple hours. Why would I do something so foolish and inconsiderate to you, my faithful readers (or, for that matter, anyone who stumbled onto this site looking for nude pictures of Barry Manilow)? It’s because I have an important update.

I’m afraid I still don’t know the date and time of the debut of Beauty and the Geek. (“Boo! No date and time!” “EEEEEEEKKK!!!”) However, I got a call earlier this afternoon asking for some personal info: apparently, someone is developing a website for S.O.S. (“Stalkers Of Shawn”). Try to one-up my blog, huh?! IT’LL NEVER HAPPEN!!! (I have way too many dirty secrets that only I can leak to the masses… mwa ha ha…)

No, no, no… the call was from someone working with the WB. She wanted to do a little fact checking, make sure everything was current and gather a few trivial facts about my existence to include in the press release. If that doesn’t signify the show’s imminent appearance on your television (assuming you’ll be watching and/or haven’t kicked in the TV screen recently), I don’t know what does. Hope everything works out okay and we get some air time, even if that means I won’t have as many dirty secrets that only I can leak to the masses… damn…

God’s Gift to Geeks

Yeah, there are some days when I’m sitting in front of the computer and I’m not in the mood to look at porn. (Scary but true.) When that happens, I have a high propensity to check out one of the greatest search engines in the universe: eBay. But when I want to do some real surfing, that’s when it’s time to head over to good ol’ Google. I’ve looked up my name in the past—79 hits and counting (though some of them are defunct pages from the old blog that got wiped out back in March)—but most recently, I’ve been checking around to see what people have to say about the reality show. Continue reading “God’s Gift to Geeks”

Driving to the brink of disaster

I ran a few errands on Friday, first heading to the post office to mail my credit card bill (I needed to mail it overnight since I waited so long to pay it… sure, the $13+ hurts, but not nearly as much as late fees plus interest). After that, it was time to head out to the DMV for my driving record. It took a few phone calls last year for me to realize that I didn’t need to worry about a traffic ticket I picked up while going to college in Ohio, but given that my license was suspended for close to 2 ½ years… the bar exam people tend to wonder about that. (The suspension was because I was having epileptic seizures that led to blackouts—when you lose consciousness while driving… the DMV people tend to wonder about that.) Continue reading “Driving to the brink of disaster”

The harmful effects of stress

Thankfully, my bar application is almost done. All I need is a copy of my driving record from the DMV, a photo for the little ID card and print all of the other forms and get them notarized. Up ‘til a few days ago, I thought I also needed a pair of affidavits (basically just letters of recommendation). Turns out I was wrong, so I feel a little guilty. Continue reading “The harmful effects of stress”