Whaddya mean, “This isn’t the Oscars”?

Since I just posted all the entries regarding the WaZoo! crew’s journey to Los Angeles, I thought people might want an update on what’s happened with the Festival Cut since then. While it may not have won an award out in L.A., there are other film festivals out there (with judges who have much better taste in comedy shorts). More specifically, there is a WorldFest-Houston (The 3rd Oldest International Film Festival in North America!). Whoopee… Still, this was the 38th one, so I guess they’ve been around for a while. Plus they nominated us for an award. Whoopee!

Perhaps the best part of hearing about our nomination in Houston was that it came via e-mail. No, that’s not the reason—I don’t mind hearing false rumors as much when they come from attractive Australian women swimming in pools in posh hotels. I don’t think I mind, anyway… it’s hard to say when I only have one episode to base the entire theory on. Anyway! The reason it was cool was because the e-mail included this sentence:

“Unlike other festivals, we nominate only the four top entries, and we give Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze awards, thus you are assured to win one of these top awards at the Gala Awards Dinner!” Boo-ya!

I doubt that appearing in one more film festival and winning an award will lead to my dream of signing women’s body parts, but… oh, what the hell, I’m gonna go to bed now so I can dream of it some more. G’night…

Server fall down, go boom

Or perhaps a more appropriate title would be “Hacker break into system, push server, fall down, go boom.” Everything was offline and everything was wiped out. Erased. Kaput.

Consequently, this page looks a lot different than it used to. I’ll also have to reenter all of the past entries I saved on my laptop, the chronology is shot to hell (e.g., you can’t tell that I graduated from law school almost a year ago), all of your comments are lost in the annals of history and, well, we’ll have to see what other changes might arise in the near future. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the page now that it’s back and continue to enjoy it for a long, long time. Just don’t enjoy it too much unless you’re wearing protection—you never know who’s checked out this site before you…

Happy Valentine’s Day

On Saturday, I went out with the parents to see the musical revue Swing! (No, it wasn’t that exciting; that was the name of the show: “Swing!”) It was put together by a local arts company that gets its funding in part through admissions fees, “dinner and a show” tickets and silent auctions.

For those who don’t know how silent auctions work, it’s basically just a bunch of items laid out on tables with sheets of paper in front of them. People wander around, see something they like and put their bid on the sheet. You want that thing more than they do, so you put down a higher bid and so on. (At a show last year, little brother Justin won some tickets—six games of bowling for five bucks—that eventually expired because… we never went bowling.) But this year, they had some different prizes being auctioned off.

At the beginning of the intermission, the announcer got up on stage and asked all the men, “What day is it on Monday?” (It was Valentine’s Day. I yelled out “Monday!” He didn’t acknowledge my answer.) Apparently, there were three items that “would make great Valentine’s Day gifts”—thus the pop quiz—and he wanted to point out that with a few minutes left before the auction was over, the highest bids on all three… were women. Hey, as far as I’m concerned, they should appreciate the sacrifice the men are making with dinner and a musical revue. After all, some might consider power tools extremely romantic…

Escape from L.A.

I know, I’ve been home for close to two weeks, but I didn’t want to let the suspense die right away. I can only imagine how excited you all are now that I’m back in Minnesota. Or perhaps not at all excited. Perhaps you’re all tired, disappointed and/or sedated. Some things never change while you’re gone, do they?

I’m afraid there isn’t a whole lot I can tell you about my stay. It was bright and sunny most of the time and I managed to pick up a slight sunburn; staying in a hotel room and escaping for maybe one hour a day gets very tedious very quickly; I had some good times and some not-so-good times. If you want more details, tough noogies—you’ll have to wait until the finale before I can talk.

Speaking of which, I don’t know when it’ll be on the air nor do I know if the series will stay on the air until the finale. If that happens… even more tough noogies, huh?