I done got myself gradumacated!

Yeah, I know, the ceremony was about two months ago, but life has been so full of excitement (see: sitting in the basement studying for the bar exam) that I never had time to put it down on paper. Electrons. I never had time to write about it.

Truth is, it didn’t seem all that much different than any other graduation ceremony than the others I’ve been to. Yes, that’s right, I graduated from high school and college, too. (You’d be amazed at how little cash it takes to get those places to provide a little extra boost to my GPA.) We all got to dress up in neat little gowns like usual, it took place in the Rivercentre ballroom (a mall-sized facility used for… I don’t know what, but it’s big and looks pretty formal), and a good time was had by all. And if you’re anything like me, that last phrase sounds like something you’d read in a letter sent in to the Penthouse Forum. Hey, I admit it, I read it for the articles… Continue reading “I done got myself gradumacated!”

Bar Exam Aftermath

It was 4:30 and Shawn had left the building. Someone had suggested that I join a group of people at Billy’s, a bar right near William Mitchell. I had thought about heading to the library there, writing the Day 2 entry, maybe watch a movie on my laptop and just chill. Well, temptation got the better of me and I headed over there to watch people get drunk and smoke. A lot. Cigars as well as cigarettes. (I stunk when I got home that night.) Continue reading “Bar Exam Aftermath”

Bar Exam, Day 2

I managed to sleep the entire night this time around. The only problem was that it only lasted for five hours. Again. Combine using the pool and hot tub, walking two miles up and down 7th St. before deciding on some random place to eat (Day by Day Café—quaint little place, one waiter wearing a Randy Moss jersey, good cream of cauliflower soup), watching a DVD I bought last week, packing up all my stuff so I wouldn’t have to worry about it in the morning? it took me a really long time. I managed to squeeze a little study time in there, too. Just enough to read a few things and find out that I screwed up in a couple essays. That was not a pleasant experience.
Continue reading “Bar Exam, Day 2”