I’ve been busy since the middle of last week and it won’t be getting any better until the weekend. Minimal time, minimal creative juices, minimal desire to write (besides the guilt for leaving people hanging)… I’ll get stuff straightened out soon. In the meantime, have fun watching tonight’s episode of Beauty and the Geek—it could be the final one ever, so enjoy it as much as humanly possible.
Ethical Code for Shawn Clarke Bakken
I’ve been looking through stuff I wrote back in college—papers, poems, stories, etc.—and one item was from a journalism class I took back in 2000. It’s a personal ethical code to “try to live my life to the best of my ability.” There are six bullet points, some based on the Boy Scout Handbook and writings by the Dalai Lama and Peter Singer. However, there’s one that I developed on my own that is just awesome:
“I will treat everyone and everything with respect and be willing to forgive those people who regret the harm they may have caused me or those close to me. However, I reserve the right to verbally and/or emotionally abuse those individuals who choose to close their minds to other possibilities and go through life wearing blinders. While these acts may cause temporary harm, my efforts will hopefully show them what they’ve been missing or ignoring and allow them to grow, thereby making the abuse a beneficial act in the long run.”
In other words, if you brush me off when I try to explain something, be prepared to cry like a little baby the next time you’re in earshot.
You’re always open, right?
Welcome to Leap Day, an epic, exciting event that affects every entity in the entire world like nothing else! (Writing “effects” would have looked cooler, but the grammar police station is right near our house and they would have busted my eff-in’ ass in about three eff-in’ seconds.) Continue reading “You’re always open, right?”
My daily planner says it isn’t available
For those people who sell memberships to fitness clubs and other places that last for a specific length of time, please direct your attention to the nearest calendar:
If someone signs a contract that starts on January 30th and lasts for 13 months, the contract does not expire on February 30th.
Just needed to get that off my chest. I should probably get some other stuff off my chest to make sure I don’t develop man-boobs, but that can wait until March 1st…
What’s in a name?
For those of you who haven’t done your Bible study recently (mine has consisted of a quick Google search to get the proper wording of something I vaguely remember from years past), here’s the Third Commandment: “Thou shalt not use the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who uses His name in vain.” I’m not sure why, but I started pondering the significance of said Commandment. So what’s in a name? More specifically, what’s in His name? Continue reading “What’s in a name?”
As many of you know, there’s a writer’s strike going on in Hollywood. Well, maybe not many of you… maybe only a few of you… I’m sure there’s at least two or three people out there who are sick of watching crappy reruns and want to know what the hell is going on. It’s because there’s a writer’s strike going on in Hollywood. Basically, the writers are pissed because production companies are making money when people pay to watch TV on the Internet, but they ain’t gettin’ their fair share of the pie. Can’t say that I blame them for that, really, but when that dooms us to watch crappy reruns for months on end… that sucks.
So while I’m calling this entry “Solidarity!”, it’s really just an excuse to play reruns (i.e., repost a bunch of stuff from my original blog that never got transferred to this site). Who knows? Maybe showing off the oldies but goodies will make you swear off TV for life. Or maybe it’ll be so bad that the production companies will pay whatever it takes to get me to stop writing. Whatever it takes, man—I’m just trying to look out for the little guy. And you, too.