The Butterfly Effect

I went to see Lord of the Rings tonight and saw a preview for The Butterfly Effect. It starred Ashton Kutcher, who could make himself go back in time to prevent the death of his girlfriend. Kinda like The Time Machine, really, except the scientist never hit someone over the head with a baseball bat and went to jail for it. Or banged Demi Moore, for that matter. Continue reading “The Butterfly Effect”

The God Hour

That’s right, it’s 2:00 AM. I haven’t the slightest idea how this got started, but while I was an undergrad, John (my roommate for three years) and I would occasionally start thinking deep thoughts about God, the universe and whether those little Listerine strips will still freshen your breath if they get stuck to the roof of your mouth. Like I said, deep thoughts. And this would almost always happen sometime between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning.
Continue reading “The God Hour”

Making a Difference

There are times when I wonder whether my existence matters and how well the world would go on without me. There have been so many writers, scientists, philosophers, inventors, global leaders—people who have had a huge effect on the world around them, people who have changed the face of everything as we know it. Then I think about myself and how small I seem in the shadow of their monumental deeds. Continue reading “Making a Difference”