Just because you’ve only tapped a few wells doesn’t mean you haven’t drained them dry.
Super Terrible Day
At a bonfire tonight, I learned that a friend’s son, Brendan, coined the phrase to… well, to describe a super terrible day. (It’s nice to know that 8-year-olds don’t know much about acronyms.) After hearing about it, I’ve been rolling stuff around in my head to come up with a couple awesome sayings of the day:
“Don’t fool around with someone suffering from an STD. If you do, be sure to wear protection, preferably a helmet if the person has a baseball bat nearby.”
“A big party with a lot of alcohol can help alleviate an STD. However, if you drink too much, you might go home with the wrong person and end up with another STD. And a super terrible day to go with it.”
Please present a valid photo ID at the entrance
“Ooh, it’s a party in your mouth!” — Kat Ottoson
Next on FOX: “Gilligan’s Skipper”
No man is an island, but the really big, fat ones make decent life rafts.
Fish tales at dinner
Gwoping gwoopew makes hew feew a wittew fwisky…
“Should I add a link to your blog from mine?”
Tyson: “It would be an honor to be your love-monkey.”