Wait… what day of the week is today?

I’m hoping my brain is fully adjusted, but over the last week, I’ve been completely discombobulated. (Okay, it hasn’t been that bad, but I wanted to use the word “discombobulated” in a blog post.)

When I entered Augsburg’s MBA program last January, they gave me a sheet with my entire schedule laid out: these are the classes you’re taking on these days. There was a break of a couple weeks when the school switched from trimesters to semesters, but aside from that, I’ve had classes almost every Thursday night for a year and nine months.

Flash forward to a few weeks ago. I think the problem was that our class size would have been too small, but the school asked if I’d be able to switch from Thursdays to Mondays for my final course. My schedule is pretty flexible and I figured I’d be okay missing Monday Night Football for two months, so I said okay. Thus, I entered the room for the first time on a Monday night schedule and knew four other people in a class of 33. (Like I said, a Thursday class probably would have been too small.)

Flash forward to last Thursday. I finished my final exam for Global Management around 9:00pm, then boarded a Greyhound bus that left Minneapolis at 12:55am Friday morning. We got to Chicago by 8:30 and I proceeded to spend the next 48 hours having lots of fun at HalloweeM, Mensa Chicago’s Regional Gathering. (You know, because it’s Halloween weekend, but it’s Mensa, so they use an M at the end… very clever.) I rode back home with some friends that lasted almost all of Sunday, then got a break of 24 hours before my new Economics class. A lot of stuff got mashed together very quickly into a couple days.

During the rest of this week… nothing. No “I’ve got class in two days, so I better stay up all night working on this paper.” I went to trivia Thursday night, but that didn’t help my internal calendar on Tuesday (or Monday or Wednesday or whichever day it was).

Now we’re past Thursday, I’ve got class coming up on Monday night again and I have homework I need to do by then. That could mean that my weekend is shot to hell, but since I’m not spending the whole time having fun, it should help me get my internal calendar straightened out. … You know, looking at it that way, I think I preferred not knowing what day it was.

Vote NO to prevent gay moonshine!

I tend to avoid writing about politics on here, primarily because it makes me feel all icky, and it always gets worse toward the end of October/beginning of November. Consider the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy:

Ohio and Florida are considered swing states for this election. The presidential candidate who wins their electoral votes is likely to get elected. Then Hurricane Sandy hammered the East Coast at the beginning of the week. President Barack Obama could have kept campaigning, but he took a detour and did his presidential duty, focusing his attention on areas that will likely need governmental assistance to recover.

Chris Christie, a staunch Republican who gave a speech at the Republican National Convention, is the governor of New Jersey, one of the states that got hammered. People are labeling Christie as a traitor because he wants to help the citizens of his state: he’s accepting aid from the Democratic President Obama.

In other words, these two guys (who happen to be politicians) are showing concern for victims of a major natural disaster and some people are mad at them because of it. Like I said, it makes me feel icky.

But the reason I started writing this is because of something that’s going to be on my ballot in just a few days. There are two major amendments for Minnesota’s Constitution being proposed and I don’t like either of them, but the one I find more upsetting is the “Recognition of Marriage” amendment.

Here’s the specific wording that will be on the ballot: “Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to provide that only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Minnesota?”

My first objection is that the Constitution should not be used to take away people’s rights. Period. It’s meant to protect us from the government, from abuses of power, and generally from ourselves. The only amendment of the U.S. Constitution that took away its citizens’ rights was the 18th, the prohibition of alcohol, and I’m sure it would have worked perfectly if not for all that “people making moonshine and the underground alcohol trade” stuff.

Thus, less than 15 years later, the 21st Amendment was enacted, repealing the 18th Amendment. The only amendment to remove power from people—the power to get liquored up, vomit on your neighbor’s front porch and pass out—was eliminated. But now some people want to do it here in Minnesota. They want to take away people’s rights. They want to grab our Constitution, wipe their asses with it, then tell us that the giant smear that’s been added is an improvement.

Aside from how the Constitution shouldn’t remove people’s rights, my second objection is that proponents of the Amendment never mention one important thing: gay marriage is already illegal in Minnesota. Can’t do it. If a gay couple wants to get married, they have to leave the state.

Instead of mentioning its illegality, they talk about how if the Amendment doesn’t pass, teachers will tell their students about gay marriage, make them choose to be gay and cause the universe to erupt in a gigantic ball of fire. Okay, maybe not the last one, but if that’s their rationale, if the proponents of the amendment are right about how teachers will say this illegal activity is okay, then it’ll only be a matter of time before chemistry teachers tell students how to make meth in their bathtubs.

So that’s a really quick summary of my opposition to the amendment: the Constitution shouldn’t be used to take away people’s rights and it’s unnecessary because it’s preventing something that already can’t be done. You might agree with me, you might not, but please remember when you vote on November 6th that any amendments to the Constitution should be written in ink, not bullshit.

NaBloWriMo, 2012: Ready……GO!!!

Much like last year, I’m throwing my hat into the mix for National Blog Writing Month (NaBloWriMo). And as an extra source of abuse, I’ll be writing on 750words.com every day. Why? Good question.

Part of my brain was tempted to join the novel-writing collective: NaNoWriMo. However, it’s a verrrrry tiny part. I’ve written random short stories in the past and that’s what they’ve been: short stories. I’m not sure if my brain is capable of pulling off a large-scale effort with a decent plot line, engaging characters, something that doesn’t involve too many poop jokes… I’m not sure if I’d be able to pull it off.

However! I don’t need to hold myself to those restrictions. I plan to spewing the proper amount of drivel on 750words.com to reach the minimum requisite for NaNoWriMo (50,000 words, so an average entry of 1666 words a day), but with random thoughts, narratives, etc. Nothing specific, just writing. To know that I can write that many words in a month sounds pretty awesome.

Admittedly, there’s a high likelihood that what ends up on that website will be drivel, so I decided to make these two sources distinct. Write at least semi-decent blog entries here every day, then I can copy and paste these words (even if it’s only a few sentences) into the collective mess that is my daily effort on the other site.

I like the sound of it, but we’ll have to see what happens. In the meantime, I’ve just decided that I should write in here first because my brain is already glazing over. I’m not entirely sure that what I’ve been writing here makes a whole lot of sense, but after pounding out 2100 words already today, I’m on the verge of not caring too much and that’s not fair to you. It’s not fair to me. It’s not fair to life, the universe and everything. Plus it might make me cry if I read this in a couple hours. Normally, I take time to reread and edit my blog entries in extremely intricate detail, adjusting minor word choices and everything. Right now, I just want to avoid too many spelling errors.

So that’s the plan: write a blog entry every day for NaBloWriMo, then write my daily entry in 750words.com, the combination of which should push me past the minimum length of NaNoWriMo: 50,000 words. If I manage to accomplish all that, it’ll be awesome and I’ll totally deserve a pat on the back. Thankfully, I’ll be able to do that even if my eyes have glazed over.

Wrapping up NaBloWriMo

I’m a teensy-weensy bit sorry that yesterday’s entry was just a saying of the day, but I wanted to get a couple hours of sleep in the late PM hours so I could stay up all night and not accomplish anything. Okay, fine, I was editing and writing a section of a group paper for class tomorrow, but most of the time, I wasn’t accomplishing anything.

Earlier in the afternoon, I went to the local Y and took a ride on an exercise bike for 30 minutes, my first exercise in over a month. I got home and my knee was still functional, so I take that as a good sign. I’m not going to push myself too hard because I want it to continue being functional—it pops a lot more than it used to, but that’s going to be part of life from here on out. I’m tough, I’ll manage. Loud noises don’t scare me. Unless they’re coming from malfunctioning carbon monoxide/gas detectors that tell you your house is about to explode.

I’m not sure if I mentioned it on here before, but it’s not that exciting of a story. At least not that exciting to read. It was exciting to experience, but not in a good way. I got some monster adrenaline bursts when the really loud alarm started blaring because it “detected gas” and said alarm was blaring maybe four feet away from my head. We opened some doors and windows in the house and it stopped, but it went off again a few days later. We replaced it and there haven’t been any problems since then. (Instead of getting rid of the old one right away, we switched it with one of the gas detectors upstairs, so Dad had the pleasant experience of being woken up in the middle of the night because there was supposedly gas in his room, too. You know, the toxic kind… natural gas… the stuff that goes through the pipes to help heat the house. That kind of gas.)

Lastly, I want to finish up the month by letting you all know that I probably won’t be posting in here nearly as often as I have in the last month (i.e., not every day)—for those of you who just found the blog and have been surfing through past entries, it’ll give you some time to catch up. For those who have gotten used to this frequency of posting, I feel a teensy-weensy bit bad for defying your expectations, but not enough to keep going for the rest of the year. You’re tough, you’ll manage.

And that’s about it. To quote George Carlin, “I have no ending to this, so I take a small bow.”

Cyber yummies

This may be a bit late for those of you who live overseas, but I wanted to mention that Marie Porter, a friend of mine and an Evil Cake Overlord, is an awesome cook and she’s selling her cookbooks (which she publishes and sells independently) for a good discount. If you like desserts, she’s your hookup. Thus, if you can still buy a book or two on Cyber Monday, here’s the link. If you’re still interested after Monday, that link might not work anymore, so here’s the main page where you can buy the books and also find some recipes that aren’t in either one. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I have. Yummy…