“C’mon, clock, hurry up!”

It just figures that laying my head down on the pillow a few hours earlier than usual would backfire. I was tired, couldn’t think of anything to do and wanted to see if there’d be anything worth buying online on Cyber Monday (or at least anything I’d think would be worth buying, ’cause there’s a ton of stuff that’ll be on sale really soon). Instead, I woke up on Sunday at 11:15pm.

That may have been a blessing in disguise since I neglected to write a blog entry today. There was something I wanted to write about and I’ll probably do it tomorrow, but as I was crawling into bed, I was too pooped to think about it. When I woke up and looked at the clock, my first thought was “Dammit…”, immediately followed by “Eek! What am I going to write for my blog entry?” Thankfully, that thought process didn’t take very long.

As a side note, I find it both sad and amusing that I mentioned 750words.com a few weeks ago as a way to motivate oneself to write every day. I’ve written something in here every day in November, but I have yet to visit the website this month. Part of that is due to my concern about writing 750 words—most (if not all) of my November blog entries have been shorter—and I wouldn’t want to sit in front of my computer thinking, “Okay, I’m done, now what? I’ve still got 400 words to go!” I’d rather be distracted with making sure the wording in here is absolutely perfect. In a way, it’s kinda depressing how meticulous I can be writing blog entries versus papers for school. Then again, I don’t need to worry about a grade on here. I can just pat myself on the back about the results. That may be the only appreciation I receive (I promise I’m not trying to milk you for compliments), but I think that’s good enough.

“Shop Local Saturday”

I’d never heard of it before this year, but it’s apparently a much less violent version of Black Friday that costs way more. And by “way more”, I mean regular prices (as opposed to super-duper discounts) that are a little more expensive because they come from local businesses instead of big franchises where people have been shot and pepper sprayed the day before.

Admittedly, my shopping spree with Mom and Dad began with a trip to Walgreen’s and a local Sprint store. I couldn’t think of a local store that sells fish oil and I ran out of capsules a while ago, so I bought two bottles there. At Sprint… I don’t know what the hell was going on. I decided to get an iPhone 4S because I wanted 16GB of storage space (the only iPhone 4 they still sell has 8GB). I was doing research on Sprint’s website ahead of time and… I’m just way confused.

The staff member wanted to save us the most money possible, which was cool, but the prices she was quoting sounded exactly like what was online. My parents have a family plan and I wouldn’t be using an extra line from them (which costs ten bucks a month), but they have an old calling plan that isn’t offered anymore, plus she said I’d have to use one of their free phone upgrades to get my phone at the price listed on Sprint’s website… I’m just way confused. It was tempting to buy a phone off the website and be done with it, but I decided to let them back order one for me and we can figure stuff out from there. I hope.

Next, we stopped at a local hardware store. I thought about getting a flashlight that I could attach to my car keys, but given how much larger the new iPhone could be, I’m not sure if there’d be room in my pocket. Plus I should be able to download an app that’ll turn it into a miniature spotlight. I’ve used my current cell phone as a light before, but I doubt I’d be able to flag down ships if I was trapped on a desert island. Of course, the battery on my current cell phone would last a lot longer if I was trapped on a desert island, but I wouldn’t be able to check my e-mail or download por… watch YouTube videos! YouTube videos!

Then it was time for lunch at a local bar and restaurant. The parking lot was packed and we were afraid there was going to be a waiting list, but it was almost empty inside. That’s because most of them were in the bar in the other room where they were playing Bingo. I didn’t hear any screams of joy, but I didn’t hear any screams of pain because of gunfire or pepper spray, so I figured that was okay. Plus the chips with salsa con queso and chicken Alfredo pizza we ordered were really yummy, so I was glad we went.

Those were the only local shops we visited, but I think we did our part to help the community. I ordered a new phone, we have a lot of leftover pizza for breakfast tomorrow and I resisted the temptation to buy pepper spray at the hardware store. (I wish I was kidding about that last one, but I saw it on the shelves.) Yeah, I’d say it’s been a good day.

How dark does Black Friday have to be?

I stayed up late enough last night that I could have been in line for… well, I haven’t the slightest idea what “door buster sales” might have started at midnight, but I feel no shame in not participating. Nor do I feel shame in sleeping late. Nor taking a nap. Nor not buying a damn thing today. (I thought about getting something from Amazon.com, but I’ll see how things look on Cyber Monday instead.)

Meanwhile, I read an article online referring to police reports about how some people were so intent on getting good deals today that there were several shootings, a bomb threat and a woman who used pepper spray to clear out her competition. You’d think that in a Wal-Mart (yes, all of these incidents in the article happened at Wal-Mart stores), someone in the sporting goods section would grab a golf club or something, but noooooo, they were all too busy trying to get cheap DVD players instead. And besides, if there’s not a “door buster sale” on golf clubs, why would anyone be in that part of the store?

Happy Mid-Christmas Season Holiday!

Part of me is tempted to start making a list (and checking it twice) of a bunch of things I’m thankful for this year, but why say it today in particular? Shouldn’t I be thankful for those things all the time? Except maybe gluttony—spending a few hours fattening myself up with extended family doesn’t happen very often. So let everyone else say “I’m thankful for…” and I’ll say something more like “I’ll try to appreciate on a more consistent basis…”

As for all of you out there who don’t celebrate Thanksgiving… just because I like to be inconsistent and keep people on their toes, I’m thankful that you guys are around to read this. So happy Thanksgiving to all (and to all a good night)!

Less than inspired

I’m not sure why today feels like such a “blah” day. Maybe it’s because I had class yesterday and I’m feeling a “blah” aftermath, maybe it’s because Thanksgiving is tomorrow and today is “blah” in comparison… I’m sure there are other potential reasons and at least one of them is good enough to make this feel like a “blah” day.

It’s not like I haven’t accomplished anything today. We’re getting together with Mom’s side of the family for lunch—there’ll be 15 of us there—and we’re supposed to bring a salad. Since we’re awesome, we took the recipe for an eight-layer salad and added three more. If you include the mayo on top (which adds some flavor and preserves the moisture and freshness of the ingredients underneath), we made a 12-layer salad. It looks mighty impressive in the glass punch bowl we used so you can see all the different colors and layers.

Okay, I’m feeling slightly more inspired now, but I can’t think of much else to write about. Still, it’s an entry for today, so I’m still keeping pace with National Blog Writing Month and there’s just a week to go. Yay me! (Incidentally, I’m way behind in copying and pasting my blog entries into Word documents that I can save on my laptop or a flash drive—that’s the reason I still had almost all of the old stuff for reposting after I lost shawnbakken.com—so I’m gonna be spending some loooooong hours making up for that one of these days. And that’s not so yay.)

Another empiricist bites the dust

Back on November 4th, I went on a tear because someone in my class was obsessed with empiricism and insistent on the existence of an “empirical truth”. I wanted to punch him in the face then and I might still feel the urge now, but the gods answered an unspoken prayer to preserve my fists and shut the guy up in one fell swoop: he dropped out of the class. And that’s the truth, too.