Pre-Creation Creation

Then came the beginning of the second day. And God saw… nothing. It was pretty dark. God realized that He needed light because He forgot to make an Indiglo wristwatch and couldn’t read the display. He raised up His hands and created the heavens and sky and light and all that stuff you can’t touch because God doesn’t want you to. God doesn’t raise His hands up like that anymore, but at the time, there was no one to laugh at Him, so He didn’t care. So then He looked at His watch and saw what time it was. “Wow!” thought God. “This light stuff works great! And I made it! Boy, I sure am cool.” God thumped Himself heartily on the back. Then His alarm went off again and He found out what time “ER” was supposed to be on. (Hey, if God wants a TV show to be on every night, don’t argue unless you have a keen eye for falling pianos.) He got ready to watch the show before He realized that He hadn’t created the Actors yet. Once again, God laid back on the ground, this time watching the sky to look for falling stars, but all He saw were a few satellites.

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