Pre-Creation Creation

The beginning of the third day started and God squinted at the light because He forgot to make Dark after creating Light, but since God rarely gets hung over, He could handle the brightness. God looked around Him and saw rocks. Just rocks. God thought this was extremely tacky, noting that He should create a fashion designer for advice some day soon. But first He decided to add some non-rock stuff to the land. God really liked the color white, since that was the first non-Dark color He created. So He made the ground white. For some variety, He made the trees and plants brown. On a whim. And He thought that was pretty groovy. He also decided that, after a bunch of days, He would make the colors change. Of course, He would have to create new colors at that point, but hey, He’s God. He can handle it. Then the alarm rang in His ears again, so He got ready to watch “ER” until He realized that He had yet to create the Director and Scriptwriters. “Boy,” He thought, “this universe-creating stuff isn’t as easy as I thought.”

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