Pre-Creation Creation

On the sixth day, God saw the layer of snow on the ground and saw that it reflected the light nicely. As He stood up, He took one step in the snow and fell down on His butt. Luckily, He landed in a snowdrift, so it didn’t hurt at all. Since He had the day off, God decided to do something enjoyable with His time. He began experimenting with the snow, throwing rocks and plants on it. He noticed that plants often slid a long distance, so He found a large tree and created it into a sled. (What? You think God would make something through physical labor? C’mon. If you could create babies out of thin air, would you bother having sex? Wait, don’t answer that.) So God had His sled. He climbed up a mountain, which was hard work, but after getting to the top, He jumped onto His sled. Nothing happened. God started shuffling His weight around on the sled to get it to move. It worked. Boy, did it ever.

God still hadn’t created cursing yet, so all He could do was scream His head off as He went cruising down the mountain at blinding speeds. With the wind blowing in His face, God knew that this was what He wanted to do forever. He continued to accelerate until He reached the bottom and hit a rock, causing Him to fly into the air and land in another snowdrift. He stood up, getting ready to send the rock to Hell, which He created in the blink of an eye (yes, God had eyelids), but since it was the weekend, God chose to show the rock some mercy. He was in a really good mood. He continued sledding until His alarm went off and then kept sledding. He could handle missing “ER” today. There was too much sledding to do and not enough time in the day to do it. God thought about lengthening the days, but remembered He worked more days in the week than He could sled, so that was out of the question.

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