S3, Episode 1: The Good, The Bad and The Whiny

Holy shit! They found a host who made it to a second season! What is the world coming to?

Holy shit! They got to stay out in L.A. for eight weeks! I was there for two! I got screwed!

So after two hours, does anyone know who’s going to win yet? Unfortunately, I found a website a week or two ago that had a few pictures from the show. More unfortunately, a few of those pictures were before-and-after shots of some of the geeks’ makeovers. Grrrr… Regardless, if we go by last season’s theory about who’s making it deep into the playoffs, given that they were on-screen for approximately three minutes, I’m thinking the teams of Niels and Jennylee and Scooter and Megan are in pretty good shape.

I’m not sure how much I like the new elimination room process. Having four questions instead of six and all four people in the same room was a nice change, but everyone else watching on a TV? Why? Sitting back and wondering who would open the door was a lot more interesting. Plus we always shared the questions and answers with the other teams waiting upstairs. Maybe the producers wanted more people saying “New York Stock Exchange,” making the people providing the wrong answers look even more stupid. Bastards.
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Side Note:

I don’t think people should get too pissy about Mario’s behavior. At the beginning of Season 1, Krystal walked into the room and introduced herself. Aside from being a cheerleader, she was really into astrology and Sylvia Brown (that lady who talks to the dead). My thoughts: “No way. No way in hell.” I had no idea what we’d be doing at the mansion, but I didn’t want to be paired up with someone like her. I’m guessing that they were all talking about who was gonna partner up with Cecille and, well, he had to express his sentiments out loud.

Right after Brad left to join Krystal, Richard went over to the other room to introduce himself. We didn’t hear what he said, but we did hear them all saying, “He looks like Urkel!” We all heard it. Through two sets of curtains. They didn’t say it using their “indoor voices.” They said it loudly. All of us were wincing, imagining what a slap in the face that must have been. That was before we realized that was probably the reaction he was looking for, but when it happened… ouch. Thus, when Mario heard the girls saying the same kinds of things… ouch.
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The Good:

Nate and Scooter figured out that they should ask the people wearing scrubs to apply the suntan lotion. People who work in a hospital aren’t gonna be nearly as squeamish about rubbing some random person’s back. (Get the feeling the producers planned that location for a reason? Me, too.)

Some of the geeks were really funny up on stage. Piao, on the other hand… I had thought to myself during the previews, “I wonder if they were allowed to swear during their routines.” Well, he answered that question pretty thoroughly: “[Bleeeeeep] that I [bleeeeeeep] and then she [bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep] so I crossed [bleeeeep] and [bleeeeeeeep] her dog [bleeeeeeeep] until it couldn’t [bleeeep] anymore.”

Sheree found out it’s really easy to ask a simple question, then let the guest run off at the mouth about that topic until her time was up.
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The Bad:

The editors for making the babbling noises and the screen blurring a little while people were talking to Jennylee. Yes, maybe everything went over her head, but just let her look confused and be done with it.
Ummm… I don’t remember how the Dewey Decimal System works. I could make an educated guess ’cause I’m smart ‘n’ stuff, but off-hand… ummm… yeah.

We have our evil bitch! And she’s really evil! The hyper-critical Andrea is already prepared to stomp on Matt’s head and grind it into the floor and all it took to send her over the edge was not running out the library door. Think their team might be in trouble already? (It is nice to know that she didn’t want him playing dress-up with Cecille for his dignity’s sake, but c’mon, let the man be a pimp for a night.)

And what the hell was with playing dress-up and kissing Matt with the stuffed rabbit, anyway? Please tell me Cecille stopped sucking her thumb when she was a baby…

No one ran up, punched the host in the face, grabbed the $20K, then blamed it on someone else. Speaking of the money, what if only one partner tried to drop the baton? Would it stay in the other’s hand? Would Andrea have had to punch Matt in the face, throw the baton on the floor, grab the $20K, then blame it on someone else? Then we’d have another person who got a nosebleed during the first episode of a season!
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The Whiny:

Do I need to say it? To be honest, I almost wish Tori and Sanjay weren’t eliminated right away because it seemed like they could have gotten a lot more out of the experience. Sanjay would have learned a little tolerance for his partner and that you gotta support her even when she screws up big-time. “We’ll study harder for the next challenge” would have been better than silence when she was crying after finishing her broadcast.

That being said… damn. And all my ex-girlfriends call me an emotional basket-case. That girl’s gotta realize that at certain times, studying comes before beauty sleep. When it doesn’t, the results can be ugly. (By the way, I’m guessing she only zoned out once when they were starting her broadcast, but the editors played it twice to make her look even worse.) Then she demands moral support, but won’t accept help or apologies after it doesn’t come right away… damn. I’m guessing they were doomed to fail as a team, but I still think the individuals might have benefited from being in the mansion.
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A Final Note:

Holy shit! A threesome! … There’s gonna be a threesome next week?! And people say I wasn’t a geek…

Warning: Do not feed children to the animals

Okay, so the title has very little to do with what I’m writing in here, but I thought it had a nice ring to it.

What I’m writing in here is that the commentary about each episode of Beauty and the Geek, Season 3 will be based on what appears on camera and perhaps an occasional theory about what might have happened that got left on the proverbial cutting room floor. If anything or anyone is mischaracterized (assuming that’s a word), blame it on the editors. Or Hollywood. Or even Ashton Kutcher himself, I really don’t mind. If you try to blame it on me… it’s because I hurt my back playing soccer today and a sudden muscle spasm made me hit the wrong keys on the keyboard. It’s also what made me feed your children to the animals. My bad.