If it weren’t for a reminder from Dave Olsen, winner of Season 4, I would have completely forgotten that today in 2005 was the television debut of Beauty and the Geek. Thus, I’d like to wish a happy anniversary to all my fellow beauties and geeks out there! … Okay, maybe happy anniversary to my fellow geeks and the beauties, too, but you get the idea.
Happy Geek Pride Day!
I should point out that Geek Pride Day is also Towel Day, but you don’t have to be a Douglas Adams fan to carry a towel. Geeks are a very special group (and I’m not talking “helmet-wearing, window-licking, mouth-breathing” special… I stopped licking windows, like, three years ago).
Thus, I’m dedicating my current Facebook status message to everyone who’s celebrating today by reading comics books, watching anime, playing Dungeons & Dragons, or doing any other geeky activities: “Happy Geek Pride Day! I haven’t heard of any local parades, so I’ll have to settle for marching around the house in my underwear and a cape.”
What’s the best way to kill a kitten?
If you shouldn’t masturbate because “every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten”, why bother thinking about the kittens? They’re already extinct.
Would you like to translate this page from Russian?
I’m trying to decide who is ultimately responsible for this, Google Translate or the Russian media, but I got a laugh out of it either way. I was looking at the statistics page here on the blog and saw that someone got referred to the website via a link from vk.com. Apparently, back in July of 2010, someone in Russia made a folder with a bunch of pictures from our season of Beauty and the Geek—mostly the promo pics showing the couples, each participant, a few production shots… I’m sure you could find all of them in various places throughout the Interwebs.
In this case, the link was in the comments below the picture of Scarlet and me. Several people were lamenting the fact that she had been murdered, something that which I addressed with a “Live In Peace” post around that time. It apparently relieved a lot of people and still does to this day—in the last two months, that post has averaged about three hits a day. That may not seem like much to you, but given how little traffic this blog sees on a regular basis, it’s significant.
But the important part isn’t the fact that so many people have been concerned about my partner’s death (or lack thereof) since the show aired in Russia—it’s the name of the folder where that picture was posted. If Google was right when I clicked on the Translate button, the television producers there decided to turn the title “Beauty and the Geek” into “Cheeky and the Freaks.” That’s awesome.
Still potentially awesome
I’m not sure whether signing up for the May challenge on 750words.com has backfired or not. I’m still in the running for my position on the Wall of Awesomeness, although because of the contract, I’m doing it solely for the fact that I’ll be considered awesome. Not a bad reward in itself, but I could have at least offered myself an official pat on the back or something. Then again, had I chosen a reward like that, my punishment for ending up on the Wall of Shame could have been an official noogie, so maybe it’s best that I settled for nothing.
But the problem is that I almost always look forward to write my daily entry whether it’s going to be gibberish or not. It’s usually about 15 minutes out of the day (or in my case, the wee hours of the morning) and I just cruise through, letting my fingers roam free and write “Lessee… yeah, can’t think of anything to write at the moment.” Not awe-inspiring, really, but I still look forward to it.
Unfortunately, that’s led to a lack of blog entries. I get that much writing out of my system and then feel thoroughly uninspired to write anything else. Sure, I’ve had ideas floating through my head (like “Hey, if you don’t shave soon, you’ll start to resemble Bigfoot! With stinkier breath!”), but nothing to show for it on here and that’s disappointing.
I wish I had a solution, but I don’t. I should write in here more often for everyone’s sake—yours as well as mine—but if May’s challenge to end up on the Wall of Awesomeness is going to suck all the creative energy out of my brain… maybe I’ll think about this some more when I’m writing tomorrow’s entry.
MBA survey for the Twin Cities area
I’m doing a project with three of my classmates at Augsburg and we initially sent this as an e-mail to the other MBA students and alumni. It just occurred to me this morning that posting this on my blog and on Facebook would help us get a larger sample size with a wider variety of viewpoints, etc.
Thus, if you are over 18 and live in the Twin Cities area, I’d appreciate it if you could click on the link below and take a couple minutes to answer eight questions. Thanks, everyone.
We are a group of Augsburg College MBA students conducting a survey related to our Management Consulting Project and are hoping for your willing participation.
The purpose of our survey is to gather information about the feasibility of launching an organic bakery as a social enterprise that donates 100% of all profits to help the local community.
The survey will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Results will be used in summary form only in order to protect identity. Responses are important to gauge this potential enterprise’s ability to positively impact the Twin Cities community.
Please click the link below:
Thank you for taking the time to assist with our research.
Adam Kluge, Carolyn Mollner, La Tosha Randall & Shawn Bakken
UPDATE: The survey is now closed. Or if the link is still active and you can go to the survey form, we’re not collecting any more results, so… yeah. Thanks to everyone who took a few minutes to answer the questions—we appreciate your input.