Less than inspired

I’m not sure why today feels like such a “blah” day. Maybe it’s because I had class yesterday and I’m feeling a “blah” aftermath, maybe it’s because Thanksgiving is tomorrow and today is “blah” in comparison… I’m sure there are other potential reasons and at least one of them is good enough to make this feel like a “blah” day.

It’s not like I haven’t accomplished anything today. We’re getting together with Mom’s side of the family for lunch—there’ll be 15 of us there—and we’re supposed to bring a salad. Since we’re awesome, we took the recipe for an eight-layer salad and added three more. If you include the mayo on top (which adds some flavor and preserves the moisture and freshness of the ingredients underneath), we made a 12-layer salad. It looks mighty impressive in the glass punch bowl we used so you can see all the different colors and layers.

Okay, I’m feeling slightly more inspired now, but I can’t think of much else to write about. Still, it’s an entry for today, so I’m still keeping pace with National Blog Writing Month and there’s just a week to go. Yay me! (Incidentally, I’m way behind in copying and pasting my blog entries into Word documents that I can save on my laptop or a flash drive—that’s the reason I still had almost all of the old stuff for reposting after I lost shawnbakken.com—so I’m gonna be spending some loooooong hours making up for that one of these days. And that’s not so yay.)