Always be prepared… dammit…

I’m heading up to the Boundary Waters with some friends tomorrow and I was being very diligent while packing my gear. I grabbed a couple pairs of underwear and socks, rain jacket, water bottle and made sure to always know where my towel is. I think I did a good job with my pack, but there’s a problem: I neglected to do the same thing with my travel bag.

Consequently, for the five hour drive to the cabin where we’re staying tomorrow night, I have nothing to keep myself entertained. No book so I have something to read, no mp3 player so I can listen to music, no laptop so I can look at porn… nada.

Still, it’s going to be a fun trip and it’s going to keep me away from the blog for a few more days. I’m sure you’ll all find a way to manage and I’m sure I’ll have plenty of stories to share when I get back. However, if I have a repeat performance of what happened during the Beauty and the Geek outdoor challenge, you’ll probably read a lot more about how bored I was on the drive up.