What’s in a name?

For those of you who haven’t done your Bible study recently (mine has consisted of a quick Google search to get the proper wording of something I vaguely remember from years past), here’s the Third Commandment: “Thou shalt not use the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who uses His name in vain.” I’m not sure why, but I started pondering the significance of said Commandment. So what’s in a name? More specifically, what’s in His name? Continue reading “What’s in a name?”

Pre-Creation Creation

First, there was nothing. Then, there was this guy. He didn’t have a name. He decided a name would be good. He called Himself God. And if anyone mentions that He hadn’t created language yet, He will smite them by dropping a piano on their blaspheming heads. Since God was the only thing around, He decided to create something. Unlike the second version of the Creation, the first thing God created was Time. After all, what’s the point of making day and night, seasons or the Super Bowl if you’re trapped in the span of a micro-second? So God made Time and then created the first wristwatch so He wouldn’t miss “ER” on TV after work. Continue reading “Pre-Creation Creation”