Mmmm, this website is hackalicious…

Okay, this is really weird. I went to the website itself and the “dashboard”—the opening screen for the site administrator—and both have been hacked. There’s a YouTube video on there about Muslim something something something… I haven’t taken the time to watch it, I’ve just been annoyed. Yeah, having a hacked website is definitely annoying.

But this is the weird part: I was able to circumvent said hacking by using Firefox’s history to go to one of the cached administration pages and it’s been working just fine (relatively speaking). I’ve been able to copy and paste all of my December entries that I hadn’t already saved on my laptop one by one—virus checker coming right up!—and navigate through the administrative stuff with no problems, but I just used a bookmark to get to the dashboard and there’s the hacked screen again.

I figure once I get this entry saved and “posted”—I’m sure it’ll appear somewhere eventually—I’ll try to poke around in here some more and see what I can see. Not that I’ve got a lot of know-how when it comes to WordPress, but what’s the worst I can do? Get the site doubly hacked? So it’s time for a little adventure. Keep your fingers crossed for me.