I don’t think you’ll be sleeping in bed tonight…

Marital harmony. It can be beautiful, but it can be fleeting. If a married couple lacks it, that’s when the house gets chopped in half and both people hope that their share includes the master bathroom.

During dinner with some friends yesterday, that concept was used in a variety of contexts:

“We’re getting rid of the dog for the sake of marital harmony.”
“He might deny it now, but we’re eventually moving to St. Johns, Newfoundland in Canada. Why? Marital harmony.”
“To maintain marital harmony, I’m bringing you to the doctor tomorrow and have you spayed or neutered.”

Eventually, one guy said something that made me snicker; his fiance heard me laugh, but not what caused said laughter. Much like last night, I’m not going to repeat the comment “on account of marital harmony.” I think “for the sake of” would have been a better phrase to use, especially since she misheard me and thought I said, “on a couch of marital harmony.” I can’t imagine why she was confused…

But when you stop and think about it, maybe that’s not as ridiculous as it sounds. After all, if a couple is fighting, spending some time apart will give them a chance to calm down, right? Thus:

“Where does a man sleep when his wife is pissed at him? On a couch of marital harmony.”