Open your history books, please!

While Mom and Dad did a lot of research back when we were in Minnesota, there’s nothing like getting information from the horse’s mouth. Or a Norwegian’s mouth, for that matter. It was time to talk to Bertha and dip our toes into some family history of Norway from just a couple hundred years ago. I’m sure you’ve all done it before, but it’s a first for me. Today, we got to see what kind of info Mom and I could dig up. Continue reading “Open your history books, please!”

Road trip! … Again!

Thankfully, we’re running out of long drives. Pretty soon, a “road trip” might last three hours, meaning we’ll have to waste some time during the day. When the continental breakfast at one hotel ends at 10:00 and check-in at the next is at 3:00… you can only spend so much time lingering over lunch, you know? So we’ll see how things work out, but before that happens, we have to navigate our way through the big maps. Continue reading “Road trip! … Again!”

Vikings sell refreshments in their villages?

Off for a relaxing trip out of Bergen. All we had to do was maneuver through the tourists and tour buses and we could make our grand escape. Well, we made it a little less grand by backtracking and taking the highway instead of driving through the city streets (and potentially getting turned in circles again), but we escaped nonetheless. Continue reading “Vikings sell refreshments in their villages?”

Help, help, I’m in a nutshell!

Today was the day we were waiting for: Sognefjord in a Nutshell. A day-long trip that involves trains, planes and automobiles. Wait… no, just the trains. And after we finish with the trains, we get to hop onto a boat and head out onto a Norwegian fjord for a couple hours. Time to admire Slartibartfast’s handiwork first-hand! Continue reading “Help, help, I’m in a nutshell!”

No sleep for the weary

Especially when the weary is driving. That was pretty much the story of the day: leave Oslo, drive through the mountains halfway across the country (technically, from the middle to the western coast), then arrive in Bergen. No plans beyond that. You might think that would be extremely easy to stay awake for, but you would be wrong. Thankfully, we survived the experience and got to sleep in our beds that night. Yay for beds! Continue reading “No sleep for the weary”