The Peace Chairs

My mother was a school teacher before my brothers and I came along and she’s had the pleasure of meeting some of her students years later and learning of their lives’ adventures. (Incidentally, they usually remember what a good teacher she was…) One of those students, Patrick Milan, is going to a peace conference in Switzerland this fall and will be bringing 13 camping chairs (similar to this) with him, each with a simple word on the back.

He was biking around the lake today asking for donations to help fund his trip. In exchange, he offered a book he wrote (Inspiration Point) and let us write our own message on one of the chairs. I’m supposedly the wordsmith of the family—I know, you’re all shocked—so they asked me to write something when we gave him our donation. After all, “God blesses us all with peace” and “Peace be with everyone” gets old fairly quickly. Out of the two chairs he brought today, I chose the Patience chair instead of the Courage chair and left this message:

Peace is always in front of us—we just need to look for it.

Not the most inspirational statement I’ve ever made, but it’s important to remember: Look for peace and it’s already there for you.