I’ll Pray For Douchebags, Too

I was visiting some friends this afternoon because I was going to do a voice-over for a WaZoo sketch. We ended up skipping it because the voice-over would have doubled the length of the sketch and it really wasn’t necessary. (Blame it on my English degree: get rid of the chaff and be succinct and to the point. Unless your paper isn’t long enough to fill the minimum number of pages, in which case you should bullshit as much as needed.)

While talking after dinner, their teenage daughter came downstairs to return a Flash drive I loaned her. The music on her iPod got wiped clean a while ago, so I used it to give her a copy of all my mp3 files. When she handed it back to me, she said that one song on there was particularly awesome.

I guess some of her classmates have been a major pain in the ass recently, so now whenever those people start being a nuisance, she can hear this song in her head and be happy again. There are two music videos for the song—this one was her favorite—so now I present you with Pray For You by Jaron and the Long Road to Love.