Hello to everyone in Russia!

According to someone who sent me a friend request via Myspace, Beauty and the Geek began playing in Russia very recently. (This assumption seems to have been confirmed by all the friend requests I’ve received via Facebook…)

To everyone in Russia who watched and enjoyed the show, thank you very much. I’m glad that I could have a positive influence in your lives or at least make you laugh at the phrase “Yeah, this is great!” and other choice one-liners. (I also hope the Russian producers used my laugh for the sound bites because such a deep baritone is hard to come by.)

So I guess I’m writing this entry for a few reasons:

1) I’m flattered that so many people in Russia were willing to search for me after Beauty and the Geek went on the air.

2) Unfortunately, unless you play certain time-wasting Facebook games, I probably won’t accept your friend request there (don’t feel bad—I used the privacy settings to make sure none of the game players can see anything important about me). Myspace, on the other hand…

3) I just got home from a week and a half of summer camp, I’m leaving on Friday for a trip to Norway and I didn’t want to leave everyone in the lurch for so long.

4) I don’t want to think about packing right now and this seemed like an excellent way to avoid it.

That’s about it. I hope everyone in Europe and Asia is having a wonderful summer and I’ll try to make little posts here and there about my trip over the next month. Unless I drop my laptop into a fjord. If that happens, denying friend requests on Facebook will be the least of my problems.