McDiets are not for McPussies

I just finished watching the movie Super Size Me and it was a little scary. Not just the fact that the guy’s stomach overloaded on Day 2 of his McDiet and he McSpewed out his car window. No, there were the health issues that piled up during the course of his making the movie. The extra baggage he added through the combination of a McDiet with a lack of McWalking helps explain how I gained… some weight while working in an office setting and eating fast food for most lunches. (Don’t worry, I don’t have visible jowls, but it’s still excess weight that wasn’t there six months ago.)

It’s a combination of eye-opening and scary and I recommend that you watch it. Just don’t start the movie and realize ten minutes in, “It’s 10:30 at night, I haven’t eaten anything since 3:30 and I’m hungry.” At that point, you should probably settle for some McSaltines—they’re not fattening and they’ll help absorb stomach acid if you suddenly feel the urge to McSpew in your living room.