Everyone vs. One in The Glass House

Yes, I wrote that title correctly. Normally, the concept would be something like “one vs. everyone”, but The Glass House is in an interesting situation. WARNING: This entry contains some spoilers, so if you don’t want to know what the final results of tonight’s episode will be, come back and read this when the show is over. Continue reading “Everyone vs. One in The Glass House”

Gloves are off! Bring on The Glass House!

ABC developed a new reality show called The Glass House that’s coming to a TV near you! Well, yours or a neighbor’s… unless you watch your favorite shows online, in which case it’ll be on your monitor… then again, you might not own a TV, computer and don’t live near anyone… how the hell are you reading this?!

The show actually led to a lawsuit from CBS because they claim GH resembles its long-running reality show, Big Brother, just a liiiiittle too much. It doesn’t seem like the lawsuit will prevent it from airing, so websites about the show have been springing up all across the Interwebs.

One of those sites, teamsteph.net, was created by some of my friends in Mensa because Steph is a member as well. (They decided to jump into the pool of social media hip-deep by creating a Facebook page and a Twitter account, too.) Personally, I’ve met Steph before, but don’t know her very well. However, she’s a close friend of some close friends, so I was happy to join the group and offer support and/or reality show-based insights.

Apparently, at least one person took objection to their preparation before the show hit the airwaves. Major objection. The blogger behind “Fat Grandma’s Glass House” went on a tear about how the creation of Team Steph was sabotaging her chances to win already. I’d include a link to that site, but 1) I can put a picture of the blog post on here instead, and 2) I don’t want to drive web traffic toward a person who probably hates my guts.

Note that this is an audience-driven reality show where people get to vote online about a bunch of stuff that will affect what happens in the Glass House. What really drove “Fat Grandma” around the bend was Team Steph posting suggestions about how people should vote, choices that they thought would benefit her on the show. That’s the summary—I’ll let you read the entire rant on your own.

Anyway, when I found out about said rant, I decided to go to the website and add my own two cents, which promptly became four cents, then eight… probably a full quarter by the time she said she was done responding to me. Yeah, it was kind of an extensive exchange.

So the reason for this blog entry isn’t bragging rights. It could be, but it isn’t. See, I’ve been known to adopt the role of “Douchey McDouchebaggerson” in the past and I’m wondering if I was making legitimate points or if it just sounds like I was being a dick. I think I’m right, but all of you would look at things a little more objectively than me under the circumstances. Thusly and therefore, if you’re in the mood to do some more reading, head over to the next page and see what you think. (The picture is a full-sized webpage, so you can click on it to zoom in… you know, in case you want to be able to actually read it.) Continue reading “Gloves are off! Bring on The Glass House!”