Are you suggesting military personnel aren’t normal people?

I read someone’s Facebook status this morning and I reeeeeeally don’t like it. There wouldn’t be enough space in a comment box to explain why, so I figure this is a good place to do it. Here’s what it says:

“A normal person has 1,000 wishes. A MILITARY PERSON only has one, to come home safely. I know 97% of you won’t post this as your status, but the 3% that do, are my friends. In honor of someone that died, a wounded warrior, or who is fighting for your freedom, please repost in their honor. God Bless Our soldiers,sailors and airmen past, present, & future. To those still serving overseas … Come home safe!”

This. Is. Crap.

I have friends in the military who have been stationed all around the world. The ones who are on base in places like South Carolina and Florida? They don’t feel an intense desire to come back to Minnesota.

One couple in Germany? They had a lot more wishes than just to come home. Their biggest wish was to adopt a child, so they wished for a healthy child, cooperative birth parents, a competent adoption agency… a lot more than just one wish. Yes, they want to come back to the States, but their lives don’t revolve around that. (Thankfully, their big wish was granted and they now have a charming little baby boy to call their own.)

The person who wrote that status message on Facebook may have had the best of intentions. He/she may have wanted to honor everyone in the military. However, to suggest that their return is the sole focus of their lives is trivializing and demeaning and it pisses me off.

Consider this my alternative status: “I would like to honor those people who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. To the ones who have served, are serving, or will serve in the Armed Forces, thank you and I hope you have many more than one of your wishes granted.”