Gratitudes 2018, Day 10

  1. Rain. Water from the sky. Moisture falling from the clouds. Mother Nature’s sprinkler system.

  2. Being inside when it’s raining. I’m thinking specifically about walking the dogs this morning. Maybe Berkley doesn’t like being rushed, but I liked getting inside before the dark clouds above our heads opened up and started to dump water all over us. It sprinkled a little, but five minutes later… we would have been swimming home.

  3. Rain jackets. The rain hadn’t stopped by the time I needed to leave for work, but at least I could keep the upper half of me dry running to and from the car.

  4. Water bottles. I’m talking about the reusable kind vs. bottled water. I keep mine on my desk and I end up drinking a lot more water than if I had to run to the drinking fountain every time I felt thirsty. Good way to get exercise; bad way to stay hydrated.

  5. Towels. (Might as well stick with the water theme while I’m thinking about it, right?) A good way to dry off after a hot shower.

  6. Hot showers. A good way to get wet before using a towel.