They’re sold out of FAIL?

It’s nice to know there are other people on the lookout for products like “Your Single” clothing:

And as a special bonus, I clicked on the link to see the website again and it has a note saying:

“This item is currently out of stock
Please check your local store for availability.”

Sooooo… yay for them taking it off the Internet, but boo that they’re still willing to sell it in stores? Or maybe they’re bluffing and already got rid of all the shirts, but don’t want to admit it. Either way, I feel like we achieved a small victory today. I think it’s safe to start telling girls I’m single again.

Whet Seel kneads grammar Czech

(I know, I had a nice running theme in the title, but I couldn’t find an alternate spelling for “grammar”. That’s probably for the best.)

So I wrote my “Contact Us” message to Wet Seal on the 13rd about their “Your Single” tunic and still haven’t heard anything. I’m tempted to write a letter… on paper… sent in the mail… pretty extreme, right? But I want to know what kind of reaction the company will have if I openly express anger about the mistake on that shirt. Personally, it only irritates me when I’m looking at the web page, but this would be kinda like kids poking frogs with sticks—they want to see what will happen.

If I end up sending a letter, I’ll be sure to post it for everyone to read and then post the response (assuming I get one) from Wet Seal. Hopefully, there won’t be any grammatical mistakes if/when they write back to me…

Teen Clothing FAIL

It’s not bad enough that teens keep confusing there/their/they’re and your/you’re. Now there’s a clothing company perpetuating the confusion. I can only imagine how many English teachers will see “IF YOUR SINGLE, SO AM I” on this shirt and start having heart palpitations.

(In case you’re wondering, I clicked “Contact Us” and sent them a message asking if they realized the mistake. I should know in a day or two just how stupid the shirt designers are.)