Note to self: read the list of exercises first

I was eager to try out EA Sports Active 2 today, so I did a load of laundry first thing in the morning, ensuring that I’d have clean workout clothes. If all went according to plan, they’d be soaked with sweat by the time I was done. Turns out that even though things didn’t go according to plan, I was still soaked with sweat. Funny how exercising can do that to a person who hasn’t had a solid workout in many moons. Continue reading “Note to self: read the list of exercises first

It’s only the first day?!

How I celebrated the Winter Solstice of 2010:

1) Silently wished my older brother and his wife, Brent and Gail, a happy 7th anniversary.

2) Shoveled another 5″ of snow off the front steps and driveway that came down yesterday.

2a) Got hot and sweaty doing it due to temperatures in the 20s.

2b) Became sad when realizing that “in the 20s” is a warm first day of winter here in MN.

3) Took a looooooong, hot shower to help melt away the aches and pains of shoveling… and rinse away the sweat, too.

4) Napped off and on for several hours due to exertion and lack of sleep last night.

5) Learned that this is the 2nd snowiest December on record.

5a) Did not curse upon learning this fact.

6) Received a copy of EA Sports Active 2 for the Wii that I ordered from to help combat some of the lingering after-effects of my trip to Norway: “Have seconds!” “Go back for another serving!” “Time for delectable desserts!” “I TOLD YOU TO EAT MORE, DAMMIT!

7) Wrote this blog entry of the day and felt a great deal of self-satisfaction having done so. Yay me.

So that’s a summary of today’s events. Given how crazy things got, I can only imagine what the second day of winter will bring.


Yep, to celebrate the season of lavish consumerism, I went out to Best Buy with my mom today and we bought a Nintendo Wii. Some of you might think it’s to create an excuse for playing video games for hours on end. You’re probably right. But it’s also to create a means to exercise at least a tiny bit instead of just watching TV or staring at the computer all evening.

So tonight, I opened the box, spent about an hour fiddling with all the pieces and cords, got it hooked up to the TV in the family room, spent another hour playing Wii Sports and broke a sweat from exercising for the first time in… it’s been a while. I know, I know, that’s pretty pathetic, but I’m aiming to play soccer again sometime in January. Then I’ll be lucky if I can run around on the field for five minutes before collapsing and dying from an inability to channel blood through my body with an atrophied heart.

Incidentally, did you know that the Wii is officially endorsed by the American Heart Association? I’m not kidding; it says so right on the box.

Now poor Facebook and Twitter will probably start to feel neglected because I’ve got another toy to play with in my spare time, but they’ll have to suck it up. Besides, it’s not like we had that close of a relationship. Especially not during the season of lavish consumerism. After all, they’re free.