S3, Episode 5: “Let’s get those bitches!”

It’s amazing how the mansion gets bigger as the number of teams gets smaller.

Oh, great. Cecille thinks she’s Paris Hilton. All she needed was a purse to stuff the chihuahua in and she would have been as happy as a dog sniffing butts. Someone call PETA!

Seriously, though, did she ever think about the effect of those bracelets around its neck? Not just the strangling effect, but what it would do to Nate’s chances for getting phone numbers. Being a gay film student may have worked for Chuck during Season 1, but why would a fruity dude carrying a fruity dog be asking for girls’ digits?

Can you imagine what those three girls at the end of the challenge thought when two strange guys with dogs did a bum rush in their direction? “Oh my God, we’re being attacked! Someone throw a doggie bone over there to distract them so we can make a break for it!”

Niels, I feel your pain about getting phone numbers, buddy…

Apparently, the plastic bands for necklaces wasn’t cutesy enough for Cecille. An animal print cloth for a roof? That thing might have worked as a large-scale sun umbrella, but a dog house… sheesh.

The other three, hey, they were functional, but I admit I was rooting for Megan because she put up that row of shingles. If you want to prove you’ve got some mad carpenter skills, make the shingles happen, baby.

And there we have it! This season’s beauty/geek love connection! Not like it was a big surprise—according to the interview clips the editors picked out, those two have been gushing over each other for weeks now.

I thought that for the first time in three seasons, we were finally going to see a tie-breaker before the final episode. No such luck. People are probably speculating that there are multiple questions on the cards to try to prevent stuff like that from happening—I can relate to that theory—but when the question includes the phrase “according to your study materials”, the answer usually isn’t the one the viewers think it should be. Season 1: “According to your study materials, who is supposed to pay for the first date?” Bill said the guy (the answer most people would have given), but in the book, it said it’s the person who asked the other one out. What a pisser…

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