Kick reposting’s ass!

I hold a great deal of respect for cancer patients, victims, survivors, etc., which is why I wrote the “Kick cancer’s ass!” blog post.

However, I’m tired of all the “Look at me, I’m supporting an important cause!” status messages, so I’m fighting back! If you feel the need to use this status message, go for it. I’ll give you a pass this time—it won’t soil your reputation in my eyes and I won’t think you’re a complete loser. This time…

“Today is ‘Don’t Repost This Status’ Day. This status is meant to honor those people who don’t repost it, but for the 3% who do, you should know that reposting a status message is an empty gesture that doesn’t actually accomplish anything. If you repost this for at least an hour, I will laugh at you to your face.”

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