The title should tell you what’s in the text

Just in case “Dragging You Outside Right Now” wasn’t good enough for you, I went looking through more papers from college and found even more really good titles (some better than others, but some papers were better than the others, too):

Ma’am, You May Be Ugly, But I’m Not Drunk

No One Ever Says, “I Wanna Be A Slave When I Grow Up…”

Whoever Dies With The Most Toys Wins… Or Maybe Not

“Moby Dick Is A Vengeful God…”

Which Side of the Fence Does Antonio Play On?

No Marriage Counselors in Ancient Greece

“Coke. No, Pepsi. No, Coke. No, Pepsi…”

Life is Good, But Mine Sucks.

This Paper Is Brought to You Courtesy of the Letters G-O-D and the Number 3

Working at McDonald’s is Inherently Alienating

Furies and Prophecies Don’t Mix

Mommy, I Wanna Be A Couch Potato When I Grow Up.

Wing Could Please A Lotta Women With Those Hands…

The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of the Dead

Roger Ebert Rode A Blazing Saddle…

Is Intelligent Life Out There Or Is It Just Me?

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