S5, Episode 3: How about full-contact chess?

Now that the show is on the air and Tommy is seeing DraculAmber’s lovely behavior when he wasn’t around, maybe he’s decided his odds are of dating a supermodel aren’t as high as he thought.

Kudos to Jillian and Chris for stepping up instead of having each team whittle people down until they picked a half-willing participant.

Seriously, saying “You’re going to be playing some kind of sport” is one thing, but boxing gear? Most of the geeks aren’t very coordinated—how many of them do you want to send to the hospital on stretchers?

Apparently, being a mediator while preparing for the challenge wasn’t good enough for Chris. Nope, he had to become a leader for his football team, too!

Apparently, being a mediator while choosing beauties for elimination wasn’t good enough for Joe, either. The results… not quite as positive. Just imagine how the meeting from last week would have turned out if he’d been running it with the same amount of energy and excitement: “You’re supposed to second the motion before we can pass it! What the hell were you thinking?!”

The last time I played flag football was during law school. There are a couple law schools in the area and we put teams together to play a couple games. (Incidentally, no one wanted to play against the U of M team—one of their guys used to play for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Seriously.) It can be really hard to grab flags that are flapping around, so it was reeeeeally easy to start running into people instead. “I was aiming for the flag on the other side of her waist!”

They couldn’t show much of the game due to time constraints, but from what I saw, it seemed like the best plays were pretty much “Give the fast guy the ball and have him run around the edge. And then have Tommy whack him out of bounds.”

When Matt got rocked by Tiffany, two thoughts crossed my mind.

    1) I blamed it on karma—he got hurt because he took out the cameraman during warm-ups.
    2) I felt his pain, though not quite in the same way. I got up and finished, but Lord knows Matt wanted to. Also, our situations would have been more comparable if he used to play football, but got hurt anyway. Not that I’m trying to garner pity points or anything.

The girls were talking about who to eliminate, Jonathan walked into the room, they told him what they were talking about… and he stayed. That was a pretty good sign that he needed to be in the mansion: they don’t want to say bad things about you to your face, so move your face so they can say bad things about you.

“One geek will not be selected and they will have to leave tonight.” HE! HE! A guy will be going home! HE!!!!!

Obviously, Chris made a good impression on the beauties and a bunch of them wanted to be his partner, but what if no one did? They won the challenge and he was safe from elimination, soooo… someone would have been stuck with him. Ouch.

While the beauties were talking about which geek they were going to pair up with, Tiffany said she could straighten out Jonathan. When they did pair up, she picked Jim instead. Finally, Tara walks up and starts crying. You think the plan was for her to partner up with Jim, but now she has to make a decision on the spot and make up a reason for her choice?

“Hey, Jim, how did you stay on Beauty and the Geek so long?”
“Divine intervention.”

Given my prediction after Episode 1—Jonathan barely appeared on screen—I think Joe’s going home. That was a bad last impression, cowboy. You may want to keep your eyes on the beauties so you don’t get shot in the back on the way out.

3 Replies to “S5, Episode 3: How about full-contact chess?”

  1. The image of parliamentary procedure combined with the passion of a football game will be with me for the rest of the day. Thank you.

  2. Oh dear… I want Joe to stick around, at least for a few episodes. He is just too much fun to watch.

    Next week’s episode has geek makeovers. I only hope we’ll get to see what Matt looks like without those ridiculous bottle glasses.

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