Grade inflation

[My apologies for a lack of entry this week—I was getting a haircut and missed the episode. I’ll try to make up for it as soon as I can.]

I was in the waiting room at the doctor’s office yesterday and picked up a copy of Entertainment Weekly from the middle of March, which happened to be the same week as the premiere of Season 5 of Beauty and the Geek (sweet!). It was in the “must-see TV” section, so that’s good, right? Well, here’s the review:

“Remember when this stereotype-squashing series had heart, proving people were more than their appearances? Well, season 5 can’t be bothered with that mushy stuff. Now it’s beauties versus geeks in tired challenges like getting digits from people in a bar. The only redeeming part is Greg, the nebbishy ‘Gaysian’ outcast. Give Greg his own show!”

Man, it sounds like it’s going to be an complete debacle and make people across the world cry uncontrollably when they tune in, doesn’t it? Well, the reviewer gave the show a grade to show how debacle-ish it was going to be:


Sheesh. It’s like the show is going to a college where professors don’t want anyone to get any bad grades and make them feel bad about themselves…

3 Replies to “Grade inflation”

  1. Well, shoot, you’ve been to grad/professional school, where a “B-” is the equivalent of an “F” in the undergrad world.

    Wait, does that mean that B&G belongs to a “grad level” league? Hmm, maybe it’s really just that bell curve at work. Compared to some other shows out there, esp in the “reality TV” category, a “B-” seems fair enough.

  2. Oh, and btw, you didn’t miss much on Tuesday. I might, however, replay the last few minutes when it comes out on, just to see the jaw-dropping transformation from Jim’s makeover– it was *that* spectacular!

  3. It really was THAT spectacular, I agree! I was so bummed when Jim was eliminated ’cause I’d so wanted to see his makeover.

    Did anyone else think he looked a bit John Lennon-ish before the makeover?

    After the makeover, though…wow. He looked so much more confident. It was nice to see.

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