10 Replies to “Not exactly a blaze of glory”

  1. I know! If that happened, I wouldn’t have a reason to read your blog anymore 🙂

    But if the producers come up with something cool, maybe it’ll be saved. Hey, how’s this for an idea: they have a super-reunion season wherein every team from all the seasons move into a palace for the biggest season of reality television EVER!

  2. If they called us back to do a Beauty and the Geek All Stars…I’d be on the first train back to LA!

    Aw hell, just come on over to my house, Shawn — bring everyone along, we’ll just do our own season!

  3. If we do our own season, who’s gonna provide the quarter million bucks? (I’ve got twelve plus some pocket lint if we’re pooling our resources.)

  4. I’ve got 50 bucks in my wallet…and after bills this month, that’s about all I have to my name. Alas.

    Hey David — you feel like a gambling man? :-p

  5. Hells yeah. Let’s play some poker!

    But fair warning: I spent all my prize money already on hookers and blow 🙂

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