Mourning of a geek

Some of you may remember Bill from Season 1 of Beauty and the Geek. At the mansion, it seemed like we shared a brain sometimes, which meant we were morally required to keep in touch when it was all over. Sure, I live in the Midwest and he’s on the East Coast, but that’s what telephones are for, right?

Unfortunately, this is a time when I wish I had more than just a phone. I wish I could be there for him in person because he could use the emotional support. A lot of people don’t know this—he hasn’t kept it hidden, but it hasn’t been widely advertised—Bill’s father had leukemia and lymphoma. Yeah, a double whammy. And he hit a triple whammy a couple days ago when he ended up in the hospital with pneumonia.

A friend of his sent me a message this morning to let me know that Bill’s father passed away last night. I don’t know how peaceful it might have been, whether he was in pain or not, how well Bill took it… all I could do was call him on the phone and leave a message to voice my sympathies, tell him that I was here if he wanted to talk about anything. I feel a sense of helplessness in that regard: I want to be there for my friend… but I’m here. And I can’t give him a big hug and let him know how much I care.

Bill, I don’t know if you’re going to read this, but I know other people will. So to everyone else, your prayers and sympathies are always welcome, but I want to ask you for a different favor. I’d like you all to take a moment to appreciate everyone you have in your life: your family, your friends, any loved ones you might have out there.

Sadly, none of us are immortal (or if you are, you’ve done a very good job of hiding it…). Everyone will eventually be gone; you will eventually be gone. Don’t take that time for granted. And try to do more than leave voice mail messages before it’s over.

Take care, Bill. I’m here for you if you need me.

One Reply to “Mourning of a geek”

  1. Wow, that sucks. I know ’cause I’ve been there: 5 years and 1 week ago to be exact.

    If you talk to him, send Bill my condolences.

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