7 Replies to “Hello? Is anyone here?”

  1. We should think of another phrase that is more “something” the box than “outside the box”…

    Therefore, we should think “beside the box”, “between the boxes”, “along the box”, “with the box”. Hell, we should BE the box! 😀

  2. BE the box– haha, too Zen-like 😉

    And if everyone else is outside the box, and I’m the only one left inside, doesn’t that make ME the unique and innovative one?

  3. The first thing that popped into my head reading “everyone else is outside the box and I’m the only one left inside”… Isn’t that your funeral?!

  4. Haha. How creepy! Of course, THAT in turn makes me think of those biodegradable coffins made out of cardboard or some such.

    or that company that takes your cremated ashes and turns them into jewels that your loved ones can wear– how’s THAT for thinking outside the box?

    What a morbid turn this thread took…

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