Harmful side-effects of too many campaign ads

I’ve been breathing a lot of sighs of relief recently—whenever the television is on, I only have to suffer through beer commercials, car ads and people asking me, “What’s in your wallet?” (Answer: Credit cards that aren’t Capital One.)

Sure, it’s bad, but it’s not as overbearing as the hours and hours of political commercials, smear ads and people asking me, “Do you really know who Obama is?” (Answer: Aside from being the first black President-elect in the history of the United States? Nope! But it’d be kind of funny if he carried a Capital One card…)

And now that the elections are over, they’re gone. No more campaigning for at least five months. Okay, maybe four. But then I was asleep last night and that all changed.

I had a dream where I was in the house and the TV was on in the background. Suddenly, I turned around and saw a campaign ad for Michelle Bachman, Republican member of the House representing Minnesota and a fruitcake. She believes homosexuality is evil, we should preach Creationism in schools and said this on CNN, which led to this petition.

She had bought some commercial time that was post-Nov. 4th and it was too late to get the TV time/money back, so they played the ad—I don’t remember if it was an “I’m good” or a “He sucks” ad—even though she already won (and a kitten died because of it).

Okay, sorry, no more political favorites. All I can say is that because it was a campaign ad airing after I was physically, emotionally and spiritually depending on them to stop, I wanted to cry myself to sleep, which is extremely hard to do when you’re already asleep.

One Reply to “Harmful side-effects of too many campaign ads”

  1. Amen! Sooo glad the election is over. And I do believe it would be hilarious if Obama had a Capital One card… can you picture the barbarians from the commercial following him around and trying to tackle the Secret Service?

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