The passing of another day

I’m trying to think of positive accomplishments I made today… it’s turning out to be a short list.

  • I dressed myself (always good).
  • I didn’t hurt my knee while I dressed myself (bonus!).
  • I read some stuff (literacy is nice).
  • I used my laptop (yay for technology!).
  • I picked up the mail (nothing for me).
  • I ate nachos (mmmmm, nachos…).
  • I drank Mountain Dew (mmmmm, Mountain Dew…).

Yeah… pretty short list. I’m sure I could focus harder and think of more stuff (I got out of bed, I breathed oxygen, I pooped, etc.), but it might be better for me to use this last hour and fifteen minutes of the day to do something more than add another item to the list: “I made a list.”

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