The government wants to regulate the Internet?

The stories are blazing through Twitter that the feds are voting on a bill that’ll let them prevent you from looking at various websites for… I’m not sure how they’ll justify deciding which ones are bad, but it’s probably gonna end up like Justice Clarence Thomas’s opinion about pornography: “I know it when I see it.” Under the circumstances, I think the government should know my opinion this situation as well:

I think Congress is full of Mustuselongerwords tomakeallathisflibbertygibberish lookimpressiver.. They get elected, then sit around and IguessIhavetouse somespacesjust soitallfits intoseparatelinesas opposedtobeinglarge blocksoftextso onlyfiveor sixwords mightbeina lineonthescreen whichisatotalbummer.. I swear, if it weren’t for the democratic system, they’d Mansmooshingstuff togetherlike thisisharderthanIexpected.. To me, Congress is trying to Butaman hastomakesacrifices forhisart all the time and it’s getting Guesswewill seewhatthereadersthink whenthisispostedand itlookslike everythinggot censoredout!! Sorry, I don’t mean to yell, but they just make me so While throwinginsome random sentencesand phraseshereandthere and I wouldn’t want to play Parcheesi against these Timeto giveitashotandsee whathappens.. Hopefully, someone can do something to Andapparently noapostrophesallowedbut IthinkIshouldbeokay…. remember the whole “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” thing? Yeah.

Oh, and one more thing: Thiscouldbealotoffunandindeeditwas.. Thanks for reading.

ADDENDUM: It looks like the plugin that originally “censored” the gibberish in here may not work with this version of WordPress. Itwasalotoffunbutnolongerisdammit..

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