“C’mon, clock, hurry up!”

It just figures that laying my head down on the pillow a few hours earlier than usual would backfire. I was tired, couldn’t think of anything to do and wanted to see if there’d be anything worth buying online on Cyber Monday (or at least anything I’d think would be worth buying, ’cause there’s a ton of stuff that’ll be on sale really soon). Instead, I woke up on Sunday at 11:15pm.

That may have been a blessing in disguise since I neglected to write a blog entry today. There was something I wanted to write about and I’ll probably do it tomorrow, but as I was crawling into bed, I was too pooped to think about it. When I woke up and looked at the clock, my first thought was “Dammit…”, immediately followed by “Eek! What am I going to write for my blog entry?” Thankfully, that thought process didn’t take very long.

As a side note, I find it both sad and amusing that I mentioned 750words.com a few weeks ago as a way to motivate oneself to write every day. I’ve written something in here every day in November, but I have yet to visit the website this month. Part of that is due to my concern about writing 750 words—most (if not all) of my November blog entries have been shorter—and I wouldn’t want to sit in front of my computer thinking, “Okay, I’m done, now what? I’ve still got 400 words to go!” I’d rather be distracted with making sure the wording in here is absolutely perfect. In a way, it’s kinda depressing how meticulous I can be writing blog entries versus papers for school. Then again, I don’t need to worry about a grade on here. I can just pat myself on the back about the results. That may be the only appreciation I receive (I promise I’m not trying to milk you for compliments), but I think that’s good enough.

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