Wrapping up NaBloWriMo

I’m a teensy-weensy bit sorry that yesterday’s entry was just a saying of the day, but I wanted to get a couple hours of sleep in the late PM hours so I could stay up all night and not accomplish anything. Okay, fine, I was editing and writing a section of a group paper for class tomorrow, but most of the time, I wasn’t accomplishing anything.

Earlier in the afternoon, I went to the local Y and took a ride on an exercise bike for 30 minutes, my first exercise in over a month. I got home and my knee was still functional, so I take that as a good sign. I’m not going to push myself too hard because I want it to continue being functional—it pops a lot more than it used to, but that’s going to be part of life from here on out. I’m tough, I’ll manage. Loud noises don’t scare me. Unless they’re coming from malfunctioning carbon monoxide/gas detectors that tell you your house is about to explode.

I’m not sure if I mentioned it on here before, but it’s not that exciting of a story. At least not that exciting to read. It was exciting to experience, but not in a good way. I got some monster adrenaline bursts when the really loud alarm started blaring because it “detected gas” and said alarm was blaring maybe four feet away from my head. We opened some doors and windows in the house and it stopped, but it went off again a few days later. We replaced it and there haven’t been any problems since then. (Instead of getting rid of the old one right away, we switched it with one of the gas detectors upstairs, so Dad had the pleasant experience of being woken up in the middle of the night because there was supposedly gas in his room, too. You know, the toxic kind… natural gas… the stuff that goes through the pipes to help heat the house. That kind of gas.)

Lastly, I want to finish up the month by letting you all know that I probably won’t be posting in here nearly as often as I have in the last month (i.e., not every day)—for those of you who just found the blog and have been surfing through past entries, it’ll give you some time to catch up. For those who have gotten used to this frequency of posting, I feel a teensy-weensy bit bad for defying your expectations, but not enough to keep going for the rest of the year. You’re tough, you’ll manage.

And that’s about it. To quote George Carlin, “I have no ending to this, so I take a small bow.”

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