Can’t come any closer!

You know how sometimes you watch movies and know the girl shouldn’t walk through the open doorway saying “Hello?” because the psycho killer is waiting to jump out and strangle her? There’s another situation that just bugs the hell out of me every time I see it: somebody gets a gun, points it at the psycho killer and yells, “Don’t come any closer!” When he keeps coming closer, they can’t bring themselves to kill him and freak out, he knocks the gun out of their hands, then pushes them through a door where another psycho killer strangles them.

Seriously, if you can’t back up a threat, why make one at all? Why not just say “Walk slower so I feel like this is accomplishing something!”? Personally, I think that if you’re ever in that situation, start off the same way: “Don’t come any closer!” If the psycho killer does come closer, shoot him in the knee. When he falls down, the likelihood of him moving towards you drops significantly. (It won’t protect you from the second psycho killer waiting behind the door, but take things one step at a time.)

Perhaps he starts crawling closer if he’s really psycho or really pissed because he had dance lessons in an hour. Time to shoot him in the arm. Notice that you’re not killing him and thus will have much less blood on your hands afterwards, especially if you shoot him from several yards away.

If he runs out of limbs and keeps wiggling in your direction, well, he’ll certainly have more difficulty knocking the gun out of your hands. Or keeping you from running past his squirming body to call the cops. Or preventing you from kicking him a couple times on the way. Or stopping you from picking him up and throwing him through the doorway toward the other psycho killer. They’d fight it out, teeth versus strangling hands… and hey, you might even have enough time to pop some popcorn and watch the show.

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