Wait… what day of the week is today?

I’m hoping my brain is fully adjusted, but over the last week, I’ve been completely discombobulated. (Okay, it hasn’t been that bad, but I wanted to use the word “discombobulated” in a blog post.)

When I entered Augsburg’s MBA program last January, they gave me a sheet with my entire schedule laid out: these are the classes you’re taking on these days. There was a break of a couple weeks when the school switched from trimesters to semesters, but aside from that, I’ve had classes almost every Thursday night for a year and nine months.

Flash forward to a few weeks ago. I think the problem was that our class size would have been too small, but the school asked if I’d be able to switch from Thursdays to Mondays for my final course. My schedule is pretty flexible and I figured I’d be okay missing Monday Night Football for two months, so I said okay. Thus, I entered the room for the first time on a Monday night schedule and knew four other people in a class of 33. (Like I said, a Thursday class probably would have been too small.)

Flash forward to last Thursday. I finished my final exam for Global Management around 9:00pm, then boarded a Greyhound bus that left Minneapolis at 12:55am Friday morning. We got to Chicago by 8:30 and I proceeded to spend the next 48 hours having lots of fun at HalloweeM, Mensa Chicago’s Regional Gathering. (You know, because it’s Halloween weekend, but it’s Mensa, so they use an M at the end… very clever.) I rode back home with some friends that lasted almost all of Sunday, then got a break of 24 hours before my new Economics class. A lot of stuff got mashed together very quickly into a couple days.

During the rest of this week… nothing. No “I’ve got class in two days, so I better stay up all night working on this paper.” I went to trivia Thursday night, but that didn’t help my internal calendar on Tuesday (or Monday or Wednesday or whichever day it was).

Now we’re past Thursday, I’ve got class coming up on Monday night again and I have homework I need to do by then. That could mean that my weekend is shot to hell, but since I’m not spending the whole time having fun, it should help me get my internal calendar straightened out. … You know, looking at it that way, I think I preferred not knowing what day it was.

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