Season 2, Casting Call

a.k.a., The (Hopefully) Final Episode of the Richard Rubin Show.

It wasn’t terribly amusing (unless you think Richard is funny, in which case you were probably on the verge of wetting your pants, which I wouldn’t recommend if you were watching it on a couch at your friend’s apartment). Still, I was left with a few questions:

Back when I applied for Season 1, the form said we had to be able to take up to four weeks off from work. If some guy has a Bluetooth in each ear because he’s the president of one company and owns another, how the hell is he going to take a month-long hiatus without his world crashing down around his phones?

Did anyone notice the battery pack for the microphone on that girl’s bikini when she was sitting by the pool? Someone had to point it out to me—it was so inconspicuous as to be almost invisible…

Why the hell did I shoot myself in the head in that interview clip?!

*Sigh* So many questions, so many answers that I don’t want to hear…

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