All systems are down!

I’d like to offer my apologies for the website croaking yesterday. I wrote about what happened when it happened and figured it’d explain things today. (Beware—foul language approacheth… like that’s ever stopped you from reading something before…)


My regular blog has a function where it’ll send me an e-mail whenever someone leaves a comment. Someone wrote something last night, so I clicked on the link this morning to log on and check it out. However, instead of the main page, a notice that “Your website has expired” appeared on the screen.


I called my friend Matt, the guy who owns the server my blog is set up on, the one who created the blog in the first place… he’s a handy dude. (You’d think that as a geek, I’d know how to do this stuff myself… and you’d be wrong, but that’s beside the point.) I got him on the phone, explained the problem and I heard the shock in his voice immediately. He’d been really busy with his job/house/etc. for the past week or two and hadn’t checked his e-mail during that time, which was probably when he received a notice that “Your site is about to expire.”


After about ten minutes of fiddling around on his computer, I guess it’s no longer expired, but he said it could take up to 24 hours before things were up and running again. Consequently, there’s been mass panic throughout the Internet as people are jonesing to read any recent entries or comments I’ve made. Everyone, I promise I’ll give you your fix as soon as I can. In the meantime, you’ll have to suffer through it.

I know, I know, you’re all furious about the wave of events that have happened today and want someone’s head on a pike. Not much I can do—I don’t have a spare head lying around in my room to offer… at least I don’t think so. This place is a pit and it wouldn’t surprise me that much if I cleaned up and found a body or two. It would certainly explain the smell… Tell you what. I’ll be the voice that expresses the anguish you’re all feeling. You might be howling at the moon, clawing at your computer screen or gnashing your teeth until your fillings fall out, but I know what you’re really thinking:


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