I gotta be me… and no one else can be!

I imagine my Friends list could grow exponentially within the next few days because I’m telling you this, but it’s for a very important reason. Cheryl suggested that I get a Myspace page—a couple friends have their own pages and it’s a cool way to keep in touch with them (and their Friends lists could shoot up through the roof since you now know where to find them… they have my most sincere apologies if that happens). So I put one together and I’ve been playing with it a little bit for shits and giggles, but I found out this afternoon that the power of Myspace can be harnessed for evil: anyone can create a page pretending to be a beauty or a geek.

I managed to find a number of people there and eventually stumbled onto Joe’s page. He had a link to Mindi, she was connected to Richard and he was friends with Lauren. But there was a problem. Lauren was one of the first people on my Friends list and this was a different page of her. This other Lauren was claiming that the first one was a “FAKE ASS BITCH” who stole her address and pictures and copied all the information from her page verbatim. Basically, “Lauren2? was pissed because “Lauren1? (the one on my Friends list) was pulling a fast one on everybody.

I felt the need to clear things up, so I wrote an e-mail to the group asking Lauren which page was hers so we’d know who to love and who to kill. I got a response in just a couple minutes… from Mindi. She was upset because “i’m not on myspace!!!” That’s not good… Cheryl later confirmed that Lauren1 was the real person and we haven’t the slightest idea who Lauren2 is. Consequently, I have a blog on Myspace with four entries: why I got a page there, one from the day this blog shut down and two posts calling bullshit on “Mindi” and Lauren2.

Thus, my reasons for posting my Myspace account are two-fold. One, so people will know who’s bogus and who’s legit. Two, so there can’t be any backlash if “Mindi” or Lauren2 try to turn around and call me a fraud. I’ve been writing in here for a couple years and thousands of people will confirm who I am (at least I hope you will if it comes to that…), whereas she’s got maybe 150 friends with an account that’s about a month old. Which one of us do you think would win that challenge and who would leave the mansion and go home? Keep the hot tub running for me, guys…

[Even though this statement didn’t make it into the post, I feel the need to proclaim: “By the power of Myspace, I have the POWER!!!”]

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