RICE, RICE, baby…

I can’t believe I didn’t write any blog entries in March. God, I feel unclean… You all have my sincerest apologies, but unfortunately, I have an excuse.

This entry is going to be the short version because the full story could end up being… well, it’s not short. Lots of details, so here’s the summary: I was playing soccer on March 14th and someone kicked me just below my right kneecap. Very hard. It hurt, so I limped off the field and spent the rest of the game on the sideline. That in itself was not a big deal.

When my knee swelled up to the point where you could barely see my kneecap at all, that was a big deal. I spent the next week and a half Resting, Icing, Compressing and Elevating (and for some ungodly reason, I keep hearing Vanilla Ice’s voice in my head telling me to “RICE, RICE, baby…”). In that time span, I went to the doctor, then a knee specialist, had an MRI and eventually learned that the guy who kicked me in the knee sprained my MCL and tore my ACL. (Here’s a picture to show where the damage is.)

That throws the proverbial monkey wrench into my summer plans, but like I said, this is the short version. The most important detail is that along with all the RICEing I’ve been doing since the 14th, I’m scheduled to have knee surgery on April 26th. I don’t have much trouble with my knee while I’m walking, but sometimes I can feel it wobble a little bit. Trust me, it’s not a cool enough sensation to justify destroying your knee ligaments.

I know what you’re thinking. “He can’t play soccer and spends a lot of time Resting, so he’ll have more time to write blog entries from now on!” That’s a pretty solid theory, but if I don’t, I may have another excuse: I’ll be too busy banging my head against a wall to get Vanilla Ice to stop singing.

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