Hello to everyone in Russia!

According to someone who sent me a friend request via Myspace, Beauty and the Geek began playing in Russia very recently. (This assumption seems to have been confirmed by all the friend requests I’ve received via Facebook…)

To everyone in Russia who watched and enjoyed the show, thank you very much. I’m glad that I could have a positive influence in your lives or at least make you laugh at the phrase “Yeah, this is great!” and other choice one-liners. (I also hope the Russian producers used my laugh for the sound bites because such a deep baritone is hard to come by.)

So I guess I’m writing this entry for a few reasons:

1) I’m flattered that so many people in Russia were willing to search for me after Beauty and the Geek went on the air.

2) Unfortunately, unless you play certain time-wasting Facebook games, I probably won’t accept your friend request there (don’t feel bad—I used the privacy settings to make sure none of the game players can see anything important about me). Myspace, on the other hand…

3) I just got home from a week and a half of summer camp, I’m leaving on Friday for a trip to Norway and I didn’t want to leave everyone in the lurch for so long.

4) I don’t want to think about packing right now and this seemed like an excellent way to avoid it.

That’s about it. I hope everyone in Europe and Asia is having a wonderful summer and I’ll try to make little posts here and there about my trip over the next month. Unless I drop my laptop into a fjord. If that happens, denying friend requests on Facebook will be the least of my problems.

13 Replies to “Hello to everyone in Russia!”

  1. Hello, Shawn!My name is Mihail(or Mike).In Russia “Beauty & The Geek” has huge success . You are very clever man, so I want to ask you about russian classics . Have you read Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”, Bulgakov’s “the Master and Margarita”?What do you think about these masterworks?Also, I want to know how there was your personal life after the project?Do you communicate with your partners at the show?What has changed in their lives for these 5 years ? I hope you will not be difficult to answer my questions 🙂
    Excuse me for my crazy english 🙂

  2. Hello,Shawn!My name is Artem. In kazakhstan(It is located in Eurasia)“Beauty & The Geek” is very popular. I heared that scarlet was stabbed and died at 2008 year,do you knowed about it something?I do not know much English, but I am very interested to hear about it, by the way, you are the most interesting character on the show

  3. Mike, I don’t think I’ve read anything written by Russians authors. I might like them, but most of the “classics” I’ve read are from American and English authors. I haven’t kept in touch with very many people from the show, but I talk to Bill once in a while and went to Mindi’s wedding last summer.

    Life isn’t much different than before Beauty and the Geek played on TV here in the U.S. When it was on the air, people would recognize me, ask to have their pictures taken with me, things like that. Now it’s five years later and I get very little attention. People might think I look familiar, but usually don’t know I was on Beauty and the Geek unless I tell them.

    Artem, the Scarlet Garcia who was killed in 2008 was Filipino—my partner comes from Nicaragua. She’s very safe and happy in L.A.

  4. hey man! how are you doing? I saw just some episodes in 1 season (now I’m watching 2 season), but all folks saying that it’s not real, that it’s direction. (sorry if my english with mistakes)

  5. KZ, tell your friends there was no direction, but what you saw was the film that the editors used. They have hundreds of hours of tape for each episode and they can choose any of that footage to make things look a certain way. Everyone said and did stupid things. That might have been 3 minutes over the course of 3 days, but what they show on TV is those 3 minutes. It’s all real, but it’s a very small amount of everything that happened.

  6. Shawn, I read your old articles from this blog, and i think that Richard Rubin is your enemy :).Is It Really So?
    I know that Mindy married and now she has beautiful son 🙂
    Who married after the show too?Maybe you?

  7. Hi,Shawn =)
    I’m from Russia too and it’s so crazy that we can watch “Beauty & The Geek” after a five years’ break =)
    But despite of it I think that ‘better late than never’ :
    Thank you for your participation in this show! You are so sincere and kind!
    It was a plesure to see you on my TV screen =)

    So,did you enjoy your trip to Norway?
    I was there 2 years ago and was deeply impressed by magical nature! Huge mountains which are similar to trolls and it was so clean everywhere.

    I wish you a lot of happiness and pleasure.
    Take care!

    From Saint-Peyersburg with love =)))

    PS Do you want to visit Russia? =))

  8. Hi, Shawn! I really enjoyed watching you in “Beauty & The Geek”, never missed a single episode. You was the most sincere and opened person among others…
    What are you now busy with?

    Hugs and kisses from Russia, from a small town naerd Ryazan

  9. Kate, I think the people who have married since being on TV are Mindi, Cheryl and Chuck. (Erika is engaged and is currently doing some wedding shopping.) As for me, I’m single and haven’t received a marriage proposal since Beauty and the Geek first aired in the U.S. That’s right, a girl asked me to marry her. At least I hope it was a girl. If not, that’d be seriously weird.

    Oh, and I wouldn’t call Richard my enemy, but I think of him as more of an annoyance than a friend.

    Regina, the trip to Norway starts tomorrow. I’m getting excited, but not excited enough to start packing things into my suitcase. I’ve still got 24 hours, I should be fine. (I went to Germany once as an exchange student in high school for three weeks, but this is my first trip overseas where I’ll get to travel the countryside. Whether I travel over the Atlantic again to visit Russia or anywhere else in Eurasia… who knows?)

    Yulia, right now I’m just busy with getting ready for the trip. I’ll be looking for a full-time job when I get home, but job hunting over the summer would have been a little odd: “Sure, I’ll accept the job offer, but two weeks from now, I’m taking a month-long vacation.” So for now, Norway, here I come!

  10. Hello Shawn!! I am live in Russia too. After that ended show, are you met with other peoples from your season (erika,joe,cheryl,eric,mindi richard,krystal,brad and other???

  11. Hey Shawn. Just seeing how you’re handling your Russian popularity. Looks like season 4 just aired/is airing there now (hard to tell since I can’t make heads or tails of the Cyrillic and Google translates the show as “Blonde and the Botanist at the Gates of Truth,” which I feel should be the name of an Umberto Eco novel) and suddenly got a ton of Facebook friend requests from the noble nation.

    Hope things are okay with you and if you’re ever in Boston, we should hang out some time.

  12. Hi shawn beauty and the geek is runnig in Russia only in summer 2010 ) all five seasons… I was shocked that your partner Scarlet was die in 2008… but today in your blog I saw news that she didnt die.. and its a mistake… another scarlet die… but on all Usa sites I see photos of your partner scarlett… and a text that scarlett Garsia Beauty and the Geek star Died… a lot of people were sad and writing RIP for her… How can it be?? My english is so bad OMG((( When did you last met Scarlet?? and here new about her? thanks best wishes

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