Gratitudes 2018, Day 5

Can I use “Sunshine” again? No? Hmmm…

  1. Beautiful summer weather. I went back to the park today with Teresa and the pups and it was gorgeous outside. Upper 70s, a light breeze, almost no bugs and plenty of sunshine. (See what I did there?)

  2. Taco salad. It’s what’s for lunch.

  3. Nachos. It’s what’s for dinner.

  4. Sandals. Good footwear for summer and you can wear them in the lake when there’s lots of rocks.

  5. Skipping rocks. A fun activity when standing in the lake with your sandals. Sure, sometimes you get one skip and ker-PLUNK, but sometimes you can get a rock that skips a bunch of times, then almost skids along the surface of the water for a bit before dropping out of sight. (Not surprisingly, those are my favorite.)

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