Gratitudes 2018, Day 6

  1. Rainbows. A few weeks ago, I was outside in a sun shower. The combined sun and moisture created a bright, vivid rainbow that had all the colors in it. And you could also see the other end of the rainbow, though it was much dimmer. Which made me wonder… does the brightness of the rainbow indicate something about the pot of gold at the end of it? Is it bigger? Fuller? Does the leprechaun at the dimmer end suffer from “pot of gold envy”?

  2. Steak. It’s what’s for tonight’s dinner.

  3. Naps. When you’re tired, they’re a great way to recuperate. I enjoyed one this weekend; I could have used one today.

  4. Podcasts. I need to find more good ones because they’re really good at helping the time pass during the day. I like audiobooks, but I can’t follow the plot and do my work effectively at the same time.

  5. Audiobooks. Much better for listening while doing chores or taking long roads trips.

  6. 1.5x speed. Sure, it makes people’s voices higher-pitched, but I like being able to finish an hour-long podcast or audiobook in just 40 minutes.

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